Illustration Animations
Video portraits can be used to highlight and present individual actors on social media and the website. They can furthermore be used in ‘moving posters’ where the video portraits are used together with quotes and objects.
Objects can be filmed as well as portraits and move in different ways and loop.
On hover, the different clickable areas reveal them selves by the appearing drawn highlights.
![Website hovers.png](
![Website hovers2.png](
![Website hovers3.png](
Video portraits and moving posters can be used here for promotion of different plays.
Social medias are also great channels for creating awareness of different themes the seasons plays deal with. This can be done in different ways, writing articles, interviewing ‘real people’ asking people about opinions and sharing stories. Here you see an example of interviews of people of the so called ‘Precariat’. Make sure to mark when you are showing ‘real people’.
Posts with promotion material for either the theatre or a play made in the design, are posted with white boarder as used in printet material
Posts with photos from the play are postet without white frame, just like in printed matter.